Sunday 20 March 2011


Digital activism has become a key topic in today's society. Many groups and organisations have been using the internet as a vehicle to create hype and change around social, political , economic and environmental issues.

I came across this website which suggested how much campaigning has evolved; talking about the lunchtime dance outside the Bank of England. The dance was organized by a group of bloggers ands activists posted on Facebook and publicized by people who were interested in it on Twitter. Activists have embraced the internet like never before.

This means of activism is known as clicktivism. Where such information has the ability to be dispersed around the internet and create hype. Examples include videos posted up on YouTube such as Charlie bit my finger or the Sneezing Panda.
Clicktivism = The act or habit of using the internet as a primary means of influencing public opinion on matters of politics, religion or other social concerns. On the other hand organizations such as UK Uncut are attempting to stop this trend of activism and bring back traditional forms of activism.
Cow Clicktivism…?
I bumped into Ian Bogost’s blog from March 3rd 2011 which introduced a  corporate social game which has the ability to have an impact on the world. The game is known as Cow Clicktivism where your cow online is turned into a virtual cow. Depending on whether you click on your cow enough every 6 hours your bar will increase online and if the optimum level is achieved a cow is donated to to a less fortunate family via Oxfam America Unwrapped. This game also offers an opportunity for advertisers online; if a cow is sponsored they can obtain the benefits of being ethical and socially responsible.

Since July 2010, more than 50,000 people have clicked over 50 breeds of cows over 5 million times!
I have just done my first click and I will be able to doncate a cow if I keep updating my clicks every 6 hours for about 20 days... I don't know if this is possible... am I allowed to sleep? anways I am going to try and see how it goes!
Do you want to join in and help donate a cow? Visit every 6 hours and also try make a difference!

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